The Commission has launched Food, Dining and Nutrition resources to support the delivery of high-quality, enjoyable food and dining experiences for aged care residents.

As part of the review on Aged Care Quality Standards, the Food and Nutrition campaign is aimed at promoting better meals and dining experiences for aged care residents, providing resources to support residents in aged care facilities to be aware of their right to make informed choices about what they eat and drink, and the setting in which that occurs.
Resources for providers outline steps that will help ensure residents can enjoy and exercise their choice in food and dining experience:
- Dining in residential aged care – tips and tricks fact sheet
- Know, Observe, Support, Act poster
- 8 facts you need to know about each resident poster
- Getting the dining experience right aged care staff fact sheet
- Getting the dining experience right provider fact sheet
- Getting the dining experience right poster
Resources for residents explain what to expect in the upcoming changes and how to be active participants in their dining experience:
- Enjoying dining consumer fact sheet
- Food and dining preferences sheet
- Your dining experience consumer poster
More resources are expected to be released later this year and into early 2023.
These priority areas were identified and developed by the Commission’s Food and Nutrition Expert Advisory Group – experts in consumer advocacy, cultural and linguistic diversity, nutrition, food preparation and service, speech pathology, dementia care, nursing and wound care, and dental and oral health.
A series of targeted webinars will be held for selected providers with the purpose of strengthening their capability to deliver high-quality food and dining experiences. These webinars will inform further engagement and education activities for the sector.
For more information, visit the food, dining and nutrition campaign page for providers on our website.