The Australian Government has released an exposed draft of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Amendment (Code of Conduct and Banning Orders) Rules 2022.

From 1 December 2022, the Code will be introduced to improve safety and wellbeing for aged care consumers and to boost trust in services.
You can read the Code on page 8 here.
Who it applies to
The Code sets out standards of expected behaviour that apply equally to:
- Approved aged care providers of residential, home care and flexible care services
- Governing persons (for example, board members and Chief Executive Officers)
- Aged care workers who are:
- Employed or otherwise engaged (including on a voluntary basis) by the provider employed or otherwise engaged (including on a voluntary basis) by a contractor or subcontractor of the provider to provide care or other services to consumers.
The Code will not apply to services provided under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) or the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program (NATSIFACP).
Additional resources
Among the resources being developed by the Commission to support the sector to prepare for the commencement of the Code is a primary guidance document for providers, where feedback obtained on this document will assist in the finalisation of this resource. This draft is available from 4 October.
There are also a range of webinars that will help approved providers, workers, and related persons prepare for the various upcoming changes that you can find here.