Understanding people’s needs and preferences is central to in-home aged care providers ensure their team is fully informed about a client to enable more personalised care to be be given. CareLineLive provides managers with the functionality to record a client’s needs and preferences in an online profile.

Rising to the challenge
Technology has empowered us, both at home and in the workplace, no more so than during the Covid 19 pandemic. We have seen vulnerable people in our communities rise to the challenge of using an array of tech to stay in close contact with family and friends. Certainly, the continual development of the CareLineLive platform has seen our customers being able respond effectively to the constantly changing parameters throughout the pandemic. For the safety and continuity of care of clients, we have prioritised the development of features including capacity planning, additions to the Care Circle which allows authorised stakeholders to access vital client information, and recording of welfare observations on our Carer Companion app.
Technology in aged care – is it lagging behind?
However, some aged care providers are lagging behind and are reluctant, to embrace the wonders and efficiencies of technology. The recommendations from the Royal Commission’s report into Aged Care Quality and Safety last year stated the Australian government should require by July 1, 2022 every approved provider of aged care to adopt digital technology, including a digital care management system and eMAR. Experience suggests that one of the greatest stumbling blocks for the introduction or changing of technology is user reticence. Yet if we understand our audience and their needs then we can support each person to reach the end goal of onboarding technology to benefit all stakeholders within aged care.
The Innovation Adoption Curve – Understanding your audience
The Innovation Adoption Curve classifies users into five categories, this is determined on their willingness to accept new technology or ideas.
- The Innovators – 2.5% of people – the risk takers, the adventurous amongst us who like to be on the cutting edge of technology and like to share their experiences
- The Early Adopters – 13.5% of people – forward thinking and thought of as leaders.
- The Early Majority – 34% of people – take time to make decisions, will assess others’ experiences before adoption
- The Late Majority – 34% of people – more resistant to change and risk averse, however, they respond to peer pressure and tried and tested products.
- The Laggards – 16% of people – highly resistant to change, receptive to a product when it is mainstream.
CareLineLive – Supporting you to support your teams
Whether you are an Innovator or an Early Adopter, putting people at the heart of any business change is critical to its success. We feel the same about our business, and this is why we have a highly experienced support team at hand; real people to engage with, who not only support the onboarding process, but provide continuous support whenever you need it. Our team will work with you to understand your challenges and will walk you through the transition to using our award-winning home care management software. Our Management Platform is easy to use and intuitive, as is our mobile app, designed specifically for your carers.

To find out more about CareLineLive or to book a demo, please contact us:
Author: Merina Martin, Product Manager at CareLineLive