CareLineLive’s cloud-based all-in-one home care management software improves efficiency, capacity and compliance for home care agencies by digitising workflows and automating processes such as rostering and payroll.

With CareLineLive’s all-in-one management software, home care agencies can save time and money, and carers spend less time on paperwork, freeing them to spend more time delivering better care with easy-to-input app-based record keeping and management.
New functionality is continually being added and the most recent are 12 new assessment tools taking the total number to 14 templates in the CareLineLive suite.
The assessments are:
- About me
- Conditions and needs
- Communication
- Continence management
- Environmental, health and safety
- Escorted outings
- Fluids and nutrition
- Lone working
- Medication management
- Mental health
- Mobility, moving and handling
- Personal care
- Skin integrity
- Social and emotional well-being
About me allows assessors and carers to get a real insight into the life of a service user. This is important to ensure that there is a holistic view of the person, capturing valuable information including the person’s past and present history and what is important to them in the future. This helps to establish a comprehensive picture of the service user so that they are not simply defined by their care and support requirements.
The new conditions and needs assessment enables the agency manager or assessor to list and record details of the conditions the service user lives with.
The communication assessment records the communication preferences and needs of service users. With an emphasis on a person-centred approach this means that the information recorded ensures that communication is appropriate to support the service user.
The continence management assessment allows the assessor to detail the type of incontinence, add continence management strategies and plans and key stakeholder contact information.
The environmental, health and safety assessment records the details of the healthcare professionals involved in the provision of moving and handling equipment as well as details on the physical environment within the home that may have impact on the service user’s and care staff’s health and safety.
The escorted outings assessment gives an opportunity to determine the type of outings that the service user would like support with. The care provider can then collect data on challenges which may impact on the success of an outing which helps enable appropriate planning.
The fluids and nutrition assessment allows assessors to collect information on the dietary needs of service users. This includes collecting key information on food and beverage likes and dislikes, preparation preferences, allergies and intolerances. Users can also collect information that is specific to positive nutritional outcomes, e.g. food fortification or the use of thickening agents which facilitates safe swallowing for some service users with conditions such as dysphasia.

The lone working assessment collects information that allows managers to identify any issues that may arise during a visit to a service user. Risks are identified giving managers the opportunity to manage risks for both service users and carers for instance ensuring that a visit requiring two carers is appropriately resourced.
With the medication management assessment it is possible to add details of the support required by the service user and collect information on medication management. The tool also allows information to be recorded on the safe storage of medication and how it is to be administered.
The mental health assessment covers mental capacity, mental health and well-being, challenging behaviour and behaviour management strategies. The information collected allows assessors to plan person-centred care and support with the service user.
The mobility, moving and handling template assesses mobility issues the client may be experiencing, as well as any equipment required for safe moving and handling and details of key stakeholders involved.
In the personal care template the care provider collects information to help decide what types and level of care and support is required and details any specific challenges that the service user can experience.
The skin integrity template details pressure sores and other relevant areas.
The social and emotional well-being assessment allows the care provider to focus on the wellbeing of service users. The information captured helps to determine barriers to social interactions and will flag any social and emotional needs that are not being met.
“CareLineLive allows us to intervene when carers have concerns, the carer can upload photos to the app so when they do nursing care and wound dressings someone experienced is able to review from our end. It saves time, is very cost effective and there is constant communication between the carers, managers and families.”
— Busi Faulkner, Managing Director, Home Care Nurses Australia
If you are interested in seeing how CareLineLive can help your in-home care business improve efficiency and provide better care, request a demo at
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