Anyone who has experienced the grief of losing a loved one understands there are poignant moments when you yearn to be in their presence once again. Having a special place where you can relive cherished memories helps bridge the voyage between life and death. As we age, it is natural that we start to think about where our ideal resting place might be when our own time comes.

Why Prearrange Your Memorial?
Prepaying your memorial can give peace of mind to those you leave behind. When you make your wishes clear in advance, you may avoid confusion later at an emotional time. Arranging your memorial also provides a tangible place for friends and family to reflect upon the impact you made on their lives. Here are some insights and steps you can take to create a lasting tribute to a life well-lived.
The Importance of Memorialisation
Physical memorials are a permanent record of individual lives and are as much for the living as for the deceased. Just as in life, in death, it is important to consider the thoughts and feelings of your loved ones. Acknowledging that future generations may wonder about their place in history is also something to think about. An actual marker in a beautiful, serene location that friends and family can visit regularly helps heal the loss and preserve memories and traditions.
Things to Consider
Your memorial should be a harmonious place for loved ones to reflect on the moments you shared together – a sanctuary where they can laugh and cry or hold a one-sided conversation without embarrassment, knowing their dignity will be respected. It may be a place where they can commemorate birthdays and anniversaries. Some memorials may honour war heroes, often uniting the descendants of those who risked their lives to defend their nation. Other memorials reflect the personal religion or culture of the deceased. Choosing the location where you would like to rest for eternity is an important decision that requires thought and deliberation.
Practical Concerns
Organising your memorial yourself ensures that your specific instructions will be carried out and relieves loved ones of the burden of having to make critical decisions at a stressful time. Would you like to be buried in a coffin? Or would you prefer to be cremated? While scattering your ashes in a significant area such as a park or bushland may sound romantic, in the future, your special place could develop into a shopping centre or become off-limits in a private housing estate. Arranging to have your memorial in an enduring place of remembrance guarantees that your loved ones will always have a haven where they can celebrate your life.
Prepurchasing your memorial is also prudent financially and helps your family by locking in current pricing and avoiding inflation. Since you are investing money to cover costs for an uncertain date in the future, it is critical that you choose a trusted sanctuary that will be maintained in perpetuity.
lnvoCare Memorial Parks and Gardens
InvoCare operates 15 cemeteries and crematoria in New South Wales and Queensland. Each property managed by InvoCare Memorial Parks and Gardens is an oasis of serenity, rich with natural beauty and landscaped grounds maintained by a caring staff. Many locations have deep historical and cultural connections to the communities they serve, with bonds that stretch back to the 1920s. InvoCare is dedicated to preserving the distinct essence of each individual and provides a wide assortment of memorials that reflect your personal values and traditions, whether it be a simple lawn plot, a living rose garden or an estate that can accommodate your entire family. lnvoCare Memorial Parks and Gardens strives to ensure that your loved ones will always have a welcoming place for reflection that offers comfort, beauty and serenity. Take a moment to reserve your memorial so you can rest in peace.
Courtesy of Invocare
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