A cup of tea and a biscuit might be a standard morning or afternoon tea for many people; however, for older people, providing more nutrition can have a very significant impact on their health in aged care. Whilst a cup of tea and a biscuit might be comforting, it is far from the most nutritious of snacks and, for some, can get boring.

As we age, our appetite decreases but our nutrient requirements increase, so every mouthful of food counts and is critical to delivering optimal nutrition. At Bega Group we can help deliver more nutrition in every meal and snack through our range of nutritious dairy and juice products.
Recent research conducted in 60 aged care facilities across Victoria has proven just how beneficial increasing dairy foods in the diets of aged care residents can be1. Led by Dr. Sandra Illiuano, senior research fellow in the Department of Medicine at the University of Melbourne, the research involved a two-year trial in 60 Victorian aged-care facilities, including 7,195 residents.
It was the first of its kind to test the effects of providing additional calcium and protein by simply increasing dairy intakes from around 2.5 serves of dairy per day to recommended levels of greater than 3 serves of dairy per day. Dr. Illiuano’s team worked with each aged-care facility to adjust recipes and meal plans and put more milk, yogurt and cheese into as many meals and recipes as possible. From swapping a cup of tea for flavoured milk, to adding yogurt and custard to desserts.
The results were astounding, achieving a 33 per cent reduction in all fractures, a 46 per cent reduction in hip fractures, and an 11 per cent reduction in falls – achieved simply by adding more dairy foods to the diet.1
The impact of this research is multi-fold. First and foremost, the potential to improve the quality of life of people in aged care when they are falling less and breaking less bones. However, the benefits will also be seen by carers and facility management alike with less injuries and ill health to manage.
The prevalence of malnutrition in aged care has been estimated to be as high as 50 per cent2, and whilst dairy plays a key role in optimising muscle and bone health, fortification of food and drink with calorie-rich ingredients is a quintessential strategy to prevent weight loss and frailty of aged care residents. Fortification can be done with the addition of staple ingredients such as milk powder, cheese, sour cream, butter, custard and cream to meals and snacks.3
At Bega Group we want to help people in aged care eat more nutritious dairy foods for the sake of their health, quality of life and deliciousness of their diet. Dairy Farmers Fresh Cooking Cream, the new addition to the Bega Foodservice portfolio, is a key ingredient in the kitchen to help health and aged care outlets provide high quality, fortified recipes. Developed and tested in conjunction with an accredited foodservice industry chef, the new Dairy Farmers Fresh Cooking Cream is ideal for high heat cooking in commercial kitchen environments.
Benefits of Dairy Farmers Fresh Cooking Cream:
- Proudly Australian owned and made
- Full cream taste profile, with fresh aroma and silky mouthfeel
- Ideal viscosity for sauteing, reducing, pan-frying, baking, freezing, and whipping
- Heats quickly to high temperatures, without burning or splitting
- 18% fat content
- Available in a 2L bottle
1. Effect of dietary sources of calcium and protein on hip fractures and falls in older adults in residential care: cluster randomised controlled trial (bmj.com)
2. https://dietitiansaustralia.org.au/sites/default/files/2021-12/202012-PositionStatement-Malnutrition_in_Aged_Care.pdf
3. Bartl R, Bunney C. Best Practice Food and Nutrition Manual for Aged Care Homes Edition 2.2. Gosford: Central Coast Local Health District; 2015.
For more information please contact us on 1800 000 570 or visit our website www.begafoodservice.com.au